Now there exists an additional feature for all those who want to write their own Lantsha text.
First click all the keyboard mapping downloads to look and print the full range of Lantsha clusters. Lantsha script is quite complex and you will need a lot of time to be familiar with the script.
Each Lantsha sample has a matching Tibetan script (notice the Tibetan script in Kub.ttf and Kubera.ttf files) The same assembly exists for the other Lantsha "round" script and for both Vartu and the Ranjana script you can find on this web-site.
The intention for my fontagenda was to be familiar in writing Sanskrit-texts in Tibetan script. After writing the text in my virtual platform (see in facts about fonts) with a simple click on a special key the text has been automatically transformed in a Lantsha or Vartu or Ranjana text.
But this homemade software is developed on an old HP 80 (386 xt) written in Visual Basic 4 and not available for a modern computer.
On the other way the assembly for all the mentioned scripts is in the exact same manner. I can change from Vartu to Lantsha or Ranjana or vice versa, only with one click for the full written text.