S O - C A L L E D " N A G A " C A L L I G R A P H Y There are many common and uncommon scripts other than the "Dakini" scripts used in termas, such as Lantsha, Vartu (for Sanskrit) and the Naga scripts for Tibetan.
In ancient centuries some tibetan translators created, developed and used these "Naga" scripts to translate Tibetan written texts of similar type written like Vartu or Lantsha. In one and the same monastery different kinds of "Naga" scripts were used.
Find three similar types of "Naga" scripts from the same monastery and compare the interesting development in calligraphy.
For a calligraphy sample click the picture and see a gallery of all consonats (2 pages) [PDF-File, select all pages, click the tab "pages" and see the thumbnails, use Adobe Reader7,0].